Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lion Illustrated - Catch It!

Did you know that William is a publisher?

No, don't worry, readers, he's not publishing some sort of horrible "Grade School Confidential" newsletter.  And he's certainly not publishing some kind of inappropriate material.  And so far as I know, he hasn't written any fart jokes on the wall of school restrooms.

But he did once draw a nasty charicature of Victoria, which he titled "Butt Hed." To this day, we still call her "Butt Hed."  In fact, we don't even remember why he thought she was a butt hed, but it seemed so correct we've kept it as part of our family.  It's like the Waltons, only with more potty humor.

So anyways, William is a publisher.  His magazine is called "Lion Illustrated."  He has published five so far, four regular issues and one "Special Issue" with a guest star.  I would tell you who the guest star was, but occasionally this character appears on a channel which is well known for it's litigiousness and I don't want William to get sued and end up having to work in the bowels of Disneyland cleaning up vomit from Space Mountain.

Wait, was that too specific?

Anyways, there are two things about Lion Illustrated that make it really special.

#1 - It is full of corny jokes.  For example, what do you call a Lion with a copy machine?  A copy cat!

#2 - At the end of each issue, it says "Watch for more Lion Illustrateds and they'll come!"  Which I think is great.  I mean, unless you sit there and stare into empty space waiting for more to come, technically if no more come, then he can say "you just weren't looking for them."  Which is beautiful.  I figure he's got a great future in advertising ahead of him.

So if you want to see any of his work, just let me know and we'll send a copy.  He's distributed them before and had good reviews on them. 

He tells me that the price is 3 acorns, plus a $62 shipping fee.  A subscription is 30 acorns (that's two issues free!).

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