Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Scariest Hallowee Decoration...EVER!

Here is this year's Halloween decoration.  I like to call it "Scary Monster in a Coffin."  And lest you laugh - I challenge anybody reading this to do better!

The pictures don't do it very good justice, but here's what it looks like as seen from my yard.  We start with a closed coffin:
So you might notice that it glows quite convincingly, thanks to several layers of Glo-Paint (by Krylon!) and my handy-dandy black light.  The red lights up above are candelabras that flicker quite convincingly.  The Gothic cross is, by the way, my own handiwork.  And you can't hardly even tell that the cross isn't quite straight or centered that well. And even if you could, that'd just make it spookier!

So as you watch, thinking there's nothing to worry about, suddenly it moves!  You see that strange blur in the upper right corner?  Yeah, that's...


And suddenly the coffin bursts open, and you see that it contains a horrible monster!  But you breathe a sigh of relief as the coffin slams shut again, trapping the monster once more, until it begins to OPEN THE COFFIN AGAIN!

It's pretty rocking.

Now, I'm not going to take full credit for this.  I cut out the coffin, did the artistry, and made the monster, and put sixty-five layers of glow paint on a horned ram demon skull, but I did have somebody else do the motorwork that makes the lid open and closed.  He also made something called a "cam", who I thought was just a quarterback, but it turns out it's also something that makes coffin lids open and closed.

Who knew?

So here's the machinery that makes it all go:

Pretty sweet, huh? 

Who knows what kind of craziness I'll get up to as Halloween goes on? 

I don't want to give it away, but it involves pumpkin spiders and sunken heads...

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